“Your emotions are the slaves to your thoughts, and you are the slave to your emotions.” ~ Elizabeth GilbertIt's important to recognise that emotions, no matter how powerful they are, are just thought forms that have recruited internal body sensations to amplify their effect. Unfortunately the thoughts often go unrecognised,…
Previously I was a big proponent of 'positive thinking'; yes, it may be useful, like an elastoplast, covering over any sadness or suffering. But by definition, it takes you away from the present moment into the realm of imagination where anything goes...
'The cure for pain is in the pain' ~ RumiHave you ever observed what an emotion is? Emotions are thoughts that have recruited body sensations (usually felt in chest or abdomen) to amplify their messages. Try to observe your body sensations quietly without the overlay of thought and see what…
We all have negative patterns of thinking. These can be short-lived or persistent and dominate our waking and sometimes our subconscious…