Two simple techniques for ameliorating negative patterns of thinking.Mindfulness17/05/20200We all have negative patterns of thinking. These can be short-lived or persistent and dominate our waking and sometimes our subconscious…Read more
The Relationship Between Happiness and Health; Strategies for the 21st Century.Mindfulness, Nonduality09/12/20190“Laughter is the Best Medicine” No one would argue that there is some element of truth to the above chiché. When we are happy, in…Read more
Influencing Positive Change Through Negative Emotions – A Meditators Perspective.Mindfulness11/11/20190It is easy to get carried away with the tide of unrestrained thoughts and negative emotions. positive I am not big on ‘positive…Read more
The Art Of Living by Alan WattsMindfulness, Nonduality02/11/20190“This is the real secret of life — to be completely engaged with what you are doing in the here and now. And instead of calling it work,…Read more
Managing Pain with Meditation and Mindfulness – A Surgeon’s PerspectiveMeditation, Mindfulness17/07/20190Introduction Surgeons are in a unique and privileged position. We are permitted, legally permitted, to inflict pain. Our patients ask us…Read more
The Benefits of Meditation for ChildrenMeditation, Mindfulness16/03/20190As a meditating surgeon and a single father of a son who is two years away from his first major school examinations, I am aware of the…Read more