Attention is THE Gift We Should Not Squander.Meditation21/11/20200We have the the freedom to give our attention to anything. We need to take it away from the constant stream of thoughts that bombard us.Read more
Chakras, Mudras, Ayurveda and Augmenting Flow.Meditation15/09/20200The chakras correspond to energy meridians situated in the body. Eastern medicine tells us that flow of energy or ‘Prana’ around these…Read more
Nididhyasana – Contemplation of the Mahāvākayas, The Great Sayings of The UpanishadsMeditation, Nonduality17/08/20200According to Advaita Vedanta philosophy, spiritual practice consists of three components that ultimately lead to self realisation.Read more
Muse 2 Review – A Revolution in Meditation TrainingMeditation13/03/20200This week, Interaxon (Toronto, Canada) released their third iteration of the popular portable wearable brain wave sensor Muse. Muse 2 now…Read more
The Shield of Shambhala – Five Minutes to Peace.Meditation25/01/20200This rather evocative hand gesture is a little known ‘mudra’ or hand position used in yoga and meditation called the ‘Shield of…Read more
Dr. Andrew Newberg – Neurotheologist and the Neuroscience of Spiritual EnlightenmentMeditation, Nonduality08/08/20190Andrew Newberg M.D. is an American Neuroscientist and Director of Research at the Myrna Brind Center for Integrative Medicine at the…Read more
Managing Pain with Meditation and Mindfulness – A Surgeon’s PerspectiveMeditation, Mindfulness17/07/20190Introduction Surgeons are in a unique and privileged position. We are permitted, legally permitted, to inflict pain. Our patients ask us…Read more
Metta – The Most Powerful Tool in The ArmamentariumMeditation01/05/20190The name ‘Metta’ comes from the Pali (the language of the Buddha) for Loving-Kindness. It is considered to be one of the most powerful…Read more
Yoga Nidra Meditation (Yogic Sleep) – The Solution for a Tired World?Meditation06/04/20190This article discusses Yoga Nidra or Yogic Sleep, finding the subtle state between waking and sleep, and staying there and medical benefits.Read more
The Benefits of Meditation for ChildrenMeditation, Mindfulness16/03/20190As a meditating surgeon and a single father of a son who is two years away from his first major school examinations, I am aware of the…Read more